UNDERSTANDING DIVINE LOVE:The Love of God and How It Manifests in Our LivesPresented by Nathan Glomski Proverbs: wisdom for livingPresented by KEITH CARTER THE CHURCH: The body of christPresented by KEITH CARTER BIBLICAL APOLOGETICSPresented by CLAYTON SHARP Growing Your FaithPresented by John Beale Epistle of JamesPresented by Kevin Roberts Psalm 119Presented by Various Speakers THE PILLARS OF CHRISTIAN CHARACTERPresented by VARIOUS SPEAKERS When People are Big AND God is SmallPresented by John Beale The Holy spiritPresented by Keith carter THE THOUGHT OF GODPresented by KEVIN ROBERTS Follow Me – A Call to Biblical DiscipleshipPresented by Manny Gutierrez Sunday School Series based on John MacArthur’s book “Anxious for Nothing”Presented by John Beale