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I read in a book a while back by A.W. Tozer? “The Pursuit of God.”
If you haven’t read it, you should. Many Christian organizations have listed it as one of the top 100 books of the century. But in the book, he gives an illustration that I thought was good regarding what we will be talking about today.
The illustration was presented this way, suppose you were to have 100 concert pianos, all needing to be in tune with one another. If you tune one piano, but then you tune the second piano to the first, and the third to the second, and the fourth piano to the third, and so on. When all 100 pianos have been tuned accordingly, you will still have discord and disharmony. But if you tuned each piano to the same tuning fork, there would be a different result. You would have perfect unity and harmony among all the pianos.
So, it is with the church, body of Christ, when believers try to tune themselves to one their denomination, their experience, their feelings, the culture, or anything else for that matter, it results in disharmony. But when each of us bring ourselves into one accord with Jesus Christ, glorious unity results within the church. I believe, that is what Paul is conveying to the Colossian church here in Chapter 3.
You see, this letter to the Colossians is probably the most Christ-centered letter that we have that Paul wrote. He stresses the superiority of Christ and the completeness of salvation that is found only in Him He was combatting the heresy of false teacher that had entered this church and sought to devalue Jesus by elevating ritualism, mysticism, and speculations outside of grace.
Therefore, Paul’s purpose in writing this letter was to show that Christ is preeminent and supreme, He is first and foremost in everything.
For instance, in Ch 1, He declares Jesus, as Lord of all creation (1:16-17), He is the head of the church (1:18). He’s the author of our reconciliation (1:20-22; 2:13-15), He’s the basis for our hope and the source of our power for a new life (1:11, 29). He is the embodiment of full deity (2:9). He’s the creator and sustainer of all things, and most importantly He’s our redeemer and resurrected savior (1:28; 2:3; 3:1-4). Paul stresses that Jesus is completely sufficient for every spiritual and practical need of each believer, Why? Because our union is in Him, in his death, resurrection and exaltation, and that is the foundation upon which our earthly lives must be built. Therefore, what Paul is explaining here, is each Christian’s life should reflect Christ because as believers we are rooted in Him, we are made alive with him, hidden in him and complete in him. And when we fail to realize this our lives become inconsistent, mundane and wayward, we become self-seeking, prideful, and discontent. So as Paul writes this letter to the church, he writes to draw the attention back to Christ. He is the foundation upon which our hope rests.
And our life here on earth must be built on that foundation But what does that actually look like? If we are united together in Christ, who is our head, how is each member of this one body, to be united together? I think Paul gives us that answer in Colossians 3:12-14. I’ve titled this message “The Wardrobe of Unity”
As we work through these verses, I believe Paul puts forth three layers as we reflect on what God has done for us through Christ, which then should produce in us Christlike character that results in a unified body.
P1: The first factor I want to focus on is the Inner Layer (v. 12a)
So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved
Now to give you a little context of what’s going on here, Paul begins his applicational section of this letter in Chapter 3, by imploring his readers to keep their focus on Christ (v. 1-4)
Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.
For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.
As believers we are to set our minds on Christ, on heavenly things, not on earthly
things. We wait for his return, But until then, until we are revealed with Him in
glory, what are we to do? Paul tells us by reminding us who we used to be and
what we need to do. (v. 5-9)
Therefore consider the members of your earthly body as dead to immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed, which amounts to idolatry.
For it is because of these things that the wrath of God will come upon the sons of disobedience,
and in them you also once walked, when you were living in them.
But now you also, put them all aside: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive speech from your mouth.
Do not lie to one another, since you laid aside the old self with its evil practices,
So in this new identity in Christ, he focuses their attention on their inward transformation, which will then result in outward manifestations
We see these reminders all over the scriptures. For example, Peter does this in 2 Peter 1:12-13
Therefore, I will always be ready to remind you of these things, even though you already know them, and have been established in the truth which is present with you. I consider it right, as long as I am in this earthly dwelling, to stir you up by way of reminder.
What are these things that Peter is reminding his readers to stir them up?
He’s reminding them of their calling v 3, that God alone granted them his precious and magnificent promises. He rescued them by having them escape the corruption that is in the world v 4. He reminds them of their calling and choosing in v 10. He’s reminding them they are placed in Christ by receiving a faith of the same kind as ours v 1-2. He’s reminding them of their new life in Christ, Paul does this same thing. He’s reminding these believers of their calling, of their election of God in Christ. Now as we go back to our passage, I’m not going to give you a full discourse of the doctrine of election, or the doctrine of predestination etc.
I just taught that downstairs, today actually, so if you want that go back and listen to the recording by all means do so. What I want to do here is break down these words in order to help you understand by way of reminder that you, those who are born-again, you are chosen of God, holy and beloved. Because if you don’t clearly understand that you are chosen and placed in Christ, how are you to live for Christ? So let’s dig in this text and see what Paul has to say. (v 12). And he begins by stating the word “So” which is a transitional conjunction. Carrying the idea, of “Because of all the things that I just said, I want to remind you of something very important, As those who have been chosen
And the key word here is Chosen ἐκλεκτοὶ, What Paul is reminded them of is their particular relationship to God, He’s telling them of their status before God. And that status comes from the word ἐκλεκτοὶ which literally means to choose, to elect or to select. This is where we get the word election from. It’s closely related to ecclesia which translates “church” those who have been called out, chosen. What this word really emphasizes is a deliberate, intentional selection.
It’s a sovereign initiative in salvation. This is specific action, conveying a sense of being specifically handpicked not by anyone’s merit but by grace and grace alone comes by way of God. That’s what Paul tells us. those who have been chosen of God. “Of God” is in the genitive case, expressing authority, the source and possession. Meaning the choosing is done by God Himself, this is not a human choosing, but a divine choosing. Therefore, God is the author and the source of this choosing, and he is the possessor of those whom He has chosen.
MacArthur comments on this word by stating, “It designates true Christians as those who have been specifically chosen by God. No one is converted solely by his own choice, but only in response to God’s effectual, free, uninfluenced, and sovereign grace.”
This is so important to understand, because salvation comes from God through the means of unmerited favor, by Grace and grace alone, not in anything we have ever done, but by God’s sovereign grace, even before the foundations of the world. We see this explained thoroughly in Paul’s writings
Ephesians 1:4-6 states,
just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love
He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will,
to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.
Paul says to the Thessalonians speaking of their election, 1 Thess 1:4, knowing, brethren beloved by God, His choice of you. Also, speaking to Timothy, Paul says to join him in suffering for the gospel, because God who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was granted us in Christ Jesus from all eternity (2 Tim 1:9). So those who are in Christ have been chosen specifically by God by grace alone. And what is the purpose of this choosing? Paul describes the purpose by these next two words, Because of God’s choosing, election, we as believers are holy and beloved. And these two words are two sides of the same coin, they are always linked together, particularly when speaking of our choosing, so what do these words mean and how do they relate to our choosing? “Holy” literally means to be dedicated to God, holy, sacred, to be set apart. It doesn’t describe here moral accomplishment, or moral perfection. But describes the act of God setting an individual apart as one of His own, for His own purpose. Therefore, to be holy, set apart for God’s glory, flows naturally from being chosen of God. Because if God has set you apart, the result will be separation from the world for His own glory.
For it is God who is at work in you (because you are chosen of God holy, set apart) both to will and work for His good pleasure (Phil 2:13)
“Beloved” is in the verb form, comes from the word ἀγαπάω. Remember we talked about this in SS, this is a Godlike love, that comes from God. It’s a perfect tense so it’s completed action (before the foundations of the world) but has ongoing results here in the present (because we are set apart in Christ and loved in Christ we live for Christ). So what Paul is saying using these words is those who are chosen of God, holy and beloved we have been set apart, before the foundations of the world, by grace, unmerited favor, loved with God’s effectual love because He has been placed in Christ, out of His own choosing. Therefore this inner layer draws our attention to this wonderful truth, and we, as believers, must understand this before we can ever accomplish what Paul says later. One of the problems we have in our churches is this fact, we don’t truly understand that we are in Christ! And because we don’t understand it, our thoughts become distorted and focused more on worldly things. We get bend out of shape with one another and focus more on frivolous things than setting our minds on things above, And we begin to tune ourselves to those things and become like those whom Paul warns Timothy about (1 Timothy 6). Those who do not agree with sound words, those of our Lord Jesus Christ, and with the doctrine conforming to Godliness. And when we don’t conform to what Paul teaches within the scriptures leading to Godliness, what happens? We become conceited and understand nothing. All we care about is controversial questions, disputes about words, out of which arise envy, strife, abusive language, evil suspicions, constant friction. We so quickly forget these wonderful truths, and when we do this, it shows in our lives in our actions. We are quick to cast judgment, we are quick to create disunity. Friends, this behavior comes about because we fail to remember these wonderful truths that Paul explains.
Those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved
Knowing who you are in Christ, is of critical importance if you are to live the Christian life to the glory of God. That’s why these truths are so importance, and we labor over them.Therefore, meditate, chew on these words, dig deep in these words and praise God that He chose you, set you apart due to his effectual love for you. I truly believe when we do that, as one scholar put it, it will crush human pride, exalt God, produce joy and gratitude to the Lord, grant eternal privileges and assurance, promote holiness, and make us bold and courageous for the glory of the one who called us. Therefore, Paul reminds this church and us of God’s choosing, setting us apart with his special love. Therefore, in order to come together as a united body it begins with understanding the inner layer which begins with our unity in Christ. And because of that saving grace, when we come to a realization of that truth, Paul moves on and instructs us how we are to live this out as he moves on to the mid layer.
P2: The next factor Paul focuses on, is the Mid Layer (v. 12b-13)
put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience;
bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you.
Paul, right away, gives them a commanding imperative, and this imperative is based on the identity that he just reminded them of in the first part of this verse. You are chosen, holy and beloved, therefore you are to actively reflect this identity in Christ through your actions by putting on Christlike character. This word “put on”, literally means “to put on clothes, or be enveloped in something.” This is a metaphor that Paul has been speaking about throughout this chapter. Because we have died and our life is hidden with Christ in God, as we are new creatures in Christ, we as believers must put off the old sinful deeds of the flesh (v 5-9). We don’t walk in those things as we used to do, we are change. And we walk in a manner worthy of the calling for which we’ve been called (Eph 4:1)
Paul says this to the Corinthians as well. Those who are in Christ are new creatures, the old is gone, Behold, all is new (2 Cor 5:17). Do you understand that? Because if you don’t, and you are still walking in anger wrath malice slander abusive speech, check yourselves, examine yourself to see if you are really in the faith, really in Christ. But if you understand this newfound faith, and are striving as holy and beloved of God to be unified in Christ and the church, what are we commanded to put on? Paul gives us this list, and he points out concrete ways we as believers must live amongst each other, These characteristics really are building blocks that are set in place to maintain a unified body. The first, is to put on “a heart of Compassion,” it literally mean the “bowels of mercies, or a deep, gut-level feeling” It’s that feeling you get when you hear something that breaks your heart but you feel is in your stomach. We see Jesus have this type of compassion towards people multiple times. (Leper in Mark 1; when he feeds the 5000 Mark 6)
It conveys a very emotional term, depicting something deeply felt. It carries the idea, as you see people suffering, your brothers and sisters in Christ suffering, your attitude towards them should be this deep, gut-pitting feeling where their needs and concerns are above your own. Put on a heart of compassion. Next is “Kindness” this word means to be upright in your relationship toward others, by being helpful and good towards them. It’s demonstrating kindness even to ungrateful and evil people.
Carrying the idea of what Jesus said in Luke 6:35, But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind (same word) to ungrateful and evil men. It’s the kindness of God which leads to repentance (Rom 2:4), and we who are chosen of God, and given that kindness which let to our repentance, we are called to embody that same attitude toward others. Then “Humility” This is a word that exhibits all that Christ is, I believe it’s the most cherished Christian virtue. Jesus said, Learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart (Matt 11:29). And Jesus demonstrated pure humility as he humbled himself, by becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross (Phil 2:8). Paul is reminding these believers as they are placed in Christ chosen of God holy and beloved, you must put on true humility. Humility is not a positive virtue in our culture. But it’s the antidote of the self-love that poisons relationships within our culture.And really, it is a prevalent characteristic of a person who has been chosen of God. Because without humility you are prideful, and pride has to be broken for an individual to be saved, you have to realize you’re a sinner and call out to God for mercy, you have to humble yourself before almighty God. But it doesn’t stop at salvation, Pride has to be continually broken for individuals to be sanctified and conformed to Christ as well. I’ve heard MacArthur say this numerous times, “as pastors we can preach about humility and unity until we’re blue in the face, but as long as pride exists within the local church, it will continually destroy it.” Remember pride led humanity to destruction, but true humility acknowledges God’s sovereign choice, bringing gratitude and obedience among believers. Therefore, let’s ALL put on humility, by remembering we are holy and beloved, chosen of God
Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus,
Let’s mimic John the Baptist, as he was discussing with his own followers Jesus and his ministry, he said “I must decrease, HE MUST INCREASE”
(what humility, he didn’t care about status or platform, no he cared about Christ being exalted, he was humble). If you are in Christ, you will exhibit humility.
Next is Gentleness, is closely linked with humility. One lexicon defined it as “the quality of not being overly impressed by a sense of one’s own self-importance” it’s being meek. Which is the opposite of anger, it carries the idea of being in supreme self-control. Because if someone confronts you out of anger, what’s the first thing you want to do? Lash back right? Well as one who is chosen of God holy and beloved, you are to exercise self-control and respond with gentleness
As Paul exhorts Timothy, “A slave of the Lord is not quarrelsome, but kind to all, WITH GENTLENESS (same word) correct those in opposition if perhaps God grants repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth.” (2 Tim 2:24-25).
Therefore, we respond with grace, gentleness and patience. Which is the next characteristic Paul lists. Patience, which is the opposite of resentment and revenge, it means to be long-suffering, as people may drive you crazy, you endure them. Just as God is patient with us, we are called to be patient with those around us.
Paul says that to Timothy in 1 Tim 1:16,
Yet for this reason I found mercy, so that in me as the foremost, Jesus Christ might demonstrate His perfect patience as an example for those who would believe in Him for eternal life
God has perfect patience and as we realize our choosing being holy and beloved of God, and that perfect example is demonstrated through us as well. But after listing these characteristics, Paul provides the means through which these can be practiced among each other, what do these look like if we put them on? Verse 13 gives the answer, as we put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience what does that produce?
bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you.
Bearing and forgiving, modifying the command to “put on,” which demonstrates how the virtues listed can be used in constructing a united body of believers. For instance, “Bearing with one another, carries the sense of tolerance or “endurance” It’s closely linked to the characteristic of being patient towards others. The wonderful thing about the church is we are made up of all kinds of people from all sorts of backgrounds. Every tribe, tongue, nation and so forth. And we find ourselves in close fellowship with people who may be very different than we are. But for the sake of maintaining unity, we will sometimes have to “put up with, or endure” people with whom we would not normally choose to associate with
But again, we don’t focus on that, we don’t victimize ourselves and play these social justice games, why? Well what has happened to us? We are chosen of God, holy and beloved, we are IN Christ and we live for His glory. Therefore, we bear with one another. Next Paul states we should “Forgive one another” this points to actively accepting those who have wronged you; And it manifests the virtues of “compassion,” “kindness,” “humility,” and “gentleness” Because we still battle the world, the flesh and the devil, there will be times when we wrong each other, just a fact, it’s going to happen. But instead of holding a grudge, instead of seeking revenge, or harboring bitterness, which is SO easy to do, we need to forgive, if someone has a complaint, we cast it off, and why should we do this? Because Paul again, points to Christ as our perfect example. Since the Lord forgave us, so also should you forgive,
Eph 4:32 states, Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you
Friends, to be most Godlike, is to be forgiving. Therefore when we express forgiveness to those who may have sinned against us, its DONE! We don’t hold on to it. God doesn’t, The Psalmist wrote in Ps 103:12, as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgression from us. He remembers our sins no more (Heb 8:12)
Again, it starts by reminding ourselves of where we all started, that inner layer of being chosen of God holy and belove, and when we realize that truth, our lives will exhibit the mid layer as we put on these Christlike characteristics. But how is this held all together? Well, it comes through the other layer which we see in v 14
P3: The last factor Paul focuses on, is the Outer Layer (v. 14)
Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity
The Greek translation is literally “of all these things Love, which is of perfect bond” there’s no verb in regard to love. But in the context, we can assume the verb is “put on” because it’s the main verb in these verses. So, of all these things, Paul says, “put on” love, which is of perfect bond. The word Paul used for “bond of unity” literally means to bind, to fasten together, it carries the idea of ligaments within the body holding everything in place. So what is Paul meaning here? Is he suggesting that believers are to put on love in addition to all the other qualities? I don’t think so. I believe Paul is saying without love, the other qualities won’t be genuine. Love is where it all begins. Because the word used here for love that Paul uses is agape, we’ve been studying this downstairs. Agape means to love undeservingly, despite disappointment and rejection, its Godlike love. Therefore, with all that Paul has said in these verses, with love being the “perfect bond of unity” I believe Paul is saying that love is glue that holds it all together love is not just another virtue to be added to the others. Love is the supreme virtue, He says in 1 Cor 13, faith hope love, the greatest of these is love and it manifests itself in us because we are beloved of God, as we are chosen of God.
1 John 4:7-8, Beloved, let us love one another for love is from God (chosen of God holy and beloved, this love is manifested in you) and everyone who loves (which is the perfect bond of unity holding everything together) is born of God and knows God, for God is love.
So what Paul is saying, is without love you will not be able to exhibit the other characteristics. Love is this perfect bond of unity within the body of Christ. And love is what holds all the other characteristics in place. Therefore, understanding Godlike love is the most important quality in a believer’s life, it’s the bond that produces unity. Therefore, Paul is explaining to the Colossians, the love of God, experienced in our choosing of God as holy and beloved which is found only through Christ. That Love poured out on us, returns through us, first in love for God and Christ, but then overflows in our love for each other.And that’s what produces unity. As one commentator states, “Believers will never enjoy mutual fellowship through compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, or patience; they will not bear with each other or forgive each other unless they love one another.
So, as we think back through the wardrobe of unity. Do you clearly understand the inner layer? As believers you are chosen of God holy and beloved. Adopted as children of God, you are new creatures IN CHRIST. Are you putting off evil practices of anger, wrath, slander, gossip, abusive speech? And putting on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience? Are you bearing with one another, forgiving one another? Are you loving each other with Godlike love?
If not, then the love of God is not in you? Because the one who does not love does not know God. And if that is you, I plead with you today to surrender to Christ, repent of your evil ways and live in Him.
Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.
“Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Are you chosen of God, set apart for his glory, is he pouring out his sovereign love within you? Friends, Today is the day of salvation, now is the acceptable time, come to Christ and live in the promise of God’s choice of you as holy and beloved of God. But if you are sitting here and are in Christ, yet, you are struggling with the world, the flesh and the devil. I urge you, as I mentioned at the beginning of our talk today. Stop trying to do things on your own, stop trying to tune yourself to your religion, denomination, experiences, the culture, or even other people, because all it brings disharmony. Look to Christ, be imitators of Him, believe these truths that Paul lays forth, you’re chosen holy and beloved, and put on Christlike character. Because when we do that, I truly believe unity and harmony will be the result within His church.